This Potter's Progress — Facebook Groups

Planning in the Time of COVID - for Teachers

covid Covid Planner Covid Solutions Daily Planner for Quadmester Decrease Stress Digital Resource Library DPCDSB Teachers Dufferin Peel CDSB Facebook Groups Goal setting goals guide pandemic Pandemic Planner Pandemic Solutions Planning ahead Planning Strategies Quadmester at a Glance Teacher Planners Virtual Classrooms Weekly Planner for Quadmester

Planning in the Time of COVID - for Teachers

Last week, I created a schedule plan for each of my Period 2 Cohorts detailing where students are supposed to be every day throughout the Quadmester. One was designed for learners who like to read with written TEXT and one for Visual Learners using ICONS.  Next, I created a teacher plan for period 2 with ICONS for one week with specific areas for each aspect of our teaching day.

Yesterday, I completed the Quadmester 1 – Weekly Teacher Planner for Period 2 - Cohort A & B and then shortly after created the Quadmester 1 – Weekly Teacher Planner for Period 1 - Cohort A & B.

If you are a Secondary teacher in the Adaptive model in Dufferin Peel, I hope you find the Teacher Planners useful. To get your free PDF copies of these Teacher Planners subscribe to my website email list. I hope you stay for a while. And don't worry I don't send out many emails. 

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Help is on its Way - Social Media to the Rescue!

Apps of Instagram Bitmoji Bitmojis covid Covid Planner Covid Solutions Decrease Stress Digital Resource Library Dufferin Peel CDSB Explorer page Facebook Groups instagram Loom for Chrome OAEA Ontario Art Education Association pandemic Pandemic Solutions Planning ahead Planning Strategies Removebg Repost for Instagram Teach the world Teachers Pay Teachers Virtual Classrooms Virtual Lockers

Help is on its Way - Social Media to the Rescue!

For the last week, I have been researching quick fixes for virtual lesson ideas. It’s been a fast and furious journey into the unknown. There are no quick fixes as is takes time to research and test out the ideas. Hopefully, I can save you some time and lead you to what I have found to be very helpful.

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